Supernatural Beings
Supernatural Beings
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Media: Giclée
Year: 2007
Edition I: 96 - 195/195 s/n
Edition II: 1 - 95/195 s/n
Edition III: 1 - 105/105 s/n
Supernatural Beings
Before Humans, the world was inhabited only by Supernatural Beings.
Killer Whale, Sgaana, is the most powerful of all the Ocean Peoples. Their complex society communes in underwater villages where they assume the human form. While hunting or travelling they are supreme in their world, strong, sleek, transformed to Killer Whales.
Thunderbird, Hiilaang, resides high in the mountains, also in human form, and when hungry cloaks himself in feathers to create wings. Taking to flight in his search for food his body is of such enormous size that he darkens the sky, the clapping of his wings is thunderous, and his darting forked tongue flashes and lights the sky.
Stooping with great velocity he plunges towards Killer Whale. One can sense the power of these Supernatural Beings as they collide at the intersection of their separate worlds.